What does it cost to use CarHounds?
Fees start at just £495 and you pay the first £99 when you appoint CarHounds - the balance and any expenses are paid when we deliver your car. Call or email us now for a personalised quote.
Does CarHounds have its own stock of cars, or database of classified ads?
NO. CarHounds is a concierge service for people who don't have the time - or the inclination - to find and buy their next car themselves. We use all the popular classified ad websites when finding cars for CarHounds clients.
Do I pay CarHounds for my car?
NO. You pay the vendor for your car: we'll help you arrange secure payment. You only pay CarHounds for our time, and any expenses we incur delivering your car (which we agree with you in advance).
How do I know the car is right for me?
We’ll provide you with all the information you need, including photographs and often video, and we're happy to arrange for expert independent inspections on request. If anything doesn’t match what we’ve been led to expect when we collect your car, we’ll let you know before you complete the purchase.
Can I part-exchange my old car?
YES. We’ll be happy to arrange that for you: we can even take your old car away before we deliver your new car. It's so much easier than paying for an ad, putting up with the junk mail and sales calls, taking people for test drives, haggling over money...
Can you help me buy a new car?
YES. We’ll happily help you buy any car, new or used, mainstream or specialist. And it doesn't stop at cars - we also help clients with motorbikes, camper vans...Try us!
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